Farrago of Concepts in Machine Learning A comphrehensive look at Machine Learning © 2018 by Anand Krishnamoorthy
  1. Why another Machine Learning book? As an ML researcher myself, I initially found it very hard to truly understand Machine Learning. Yes, there are lots of resources for Machine Learning these days but I found them great to get started; but once you have gotten started, what do you do? The standard recommendation is to study the following books - “Elements of Statistical Learning” → “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” → “Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning” so on ending with “Deep Learning” and finally “Started reading and implementing research papers”. If it works for you then that’s great! But it didn’t for me - I usually lost interest in between as I felt lost most of the time. And I know many students feel this way. Additionally, I found that not all books discuss all the concepts well and therefore, the student has to read a many books to find good intuition about the concepts. This book address precisely that problem - a one-step solution for understanding Machine Learning. I have tried to encapsulate many different perspectives for understanding every concept from different sources in this book.

    Courses like those offered by fast.ai address this problem through a practical hands-on approach and learning the theory along the way (which is great!). I found that it is easy to get lost in “what to do next?” once the course is over. So this book attempts to provide a strong theoretical and to some extent, practical framework to study Machine Learning from start to finish.

  2. Why Farrago ? I wanted the book title to reflect how I felt learning all those ML concepts.

  3. Is the book free? The e-Book version is absolutely FREE!!. You can access the PDF version here. Other formats such as EPUB will be released soon.

  4. Can I get a hardcopy? Thanks for your interest. I am currently in the process of arranging for it and I will post the details soon on this website. Stay tuned!

  5. Can I use it as a textbook? Yes, of course. Although I didn’t write this book to be used as such. It does not have the qualities of a textbook - like problems or worked out examples etc. However, it can be used as a companion book to your course to help grasp the concepts better.

  6. How can I contact you? You can contact me through email - anandkrish894@gmail.com or other social venues linked on the sidebar (or on the top if you are reading this on your mobile).